Play The Game:

Play The Game:

Game can only be played on desktop as touchscreen controls have not been added...

About the game:

Roll With It is a 2D platformer rage game where you control a heavy stone ball, navigating a challenging world filled with tricky obstacles to reach the top.


I developed this game using the Unity game engine as part of a college assignment for my course. Given that we only had six weeks to create it from scratch, including conducting research, I am incredibly proud of what I accomplished.


One aspect I am particularly proud of is the implementation of certain game mechanics, such as player movement and jump cooldown. As this was my first time developing a game in Unity, creating the character controller was a significant challenge. It was a complex process that often left me stumped when bugs arose. Despite these hurdles, I managed to achieve the intended result, and the experience taught me a great deal about problem-solving and game development.


Overall, while I acknowledge that the final product has room for improvement, I view this project as a valuable learning experience. The knowledge and skills I gained will undoubtedly help me in future projects, and I’m excited to apply them moving forward.

Game Design Document

Credits & Contributions:

Jake Brotherton is responsible for creating and managing all assets used in the game, with the exception of those listed below.


Programs & Software Utilized:

  • Unity
  • 3DS Max
  • Visual Studio Code 2022
  • Adobe Substance Painter
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Audacity


External Assets: